Make your Windows XP drive icons look like Windows Vista

One of the many enhancements (or should I just say changes ???) that came with Winidows Vista is the look and feel of the desktop environment this includes the Drive icons for the disks, partitions and removable drives under “My Computer”. 
If you are the poor one like or me the consider the fortunate one being very happy with Windows XP but however would like to have the Drive Icons look and feel like Vista then there is a free Opensource utility at called “Vista Drive Icon”
“Vista Drive Icon” changes the drive icons shown in Windows “My Computer”, to a nearly Vista drive icon, showing the drive’s free space with a smooth colored horizontal bar.
Installation is straight forward. Download the EXE, run it and accept the defaults, complete the installation.
Thats it, run to “My Computer” and see your icons changed with the horizontal bar (meter like) showing of the used the disk space.
For download : Click here or here (direct link).
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