Best 3 Tools to Create Android Apps without Coding

  • Android Is Fastest Growing Mobile OS Platform Today And Its Users Enjoy In Thousands Of Aplications.                                          
  • About 20 % Of Android Users Are Little Familiar With Android App Development.                                                                        
  • This Thread Is For Those Who Wants To Create Android App For Free With Codding Knowledge And Publish It To the World. 
  • The Fastest Way To Create Android App Is With One Of Android Aplication Creator Software With Drag&Drop option And WYSIWYG Editor.     
  • In This Thread i Will Give You Quick Review Of Best Working And Most Used Free App Builder Software.                                                        


– Quick Review –

App Inventor Integrates With Your Google Account.

You can build many different types of apps with App Inventor. 
Often people begin by building games like MoleMash or games that let you draw funny pictures on your friend’s faces. 
You can even make use of the phone’s sensors to move a ball through a maze based on tilting the phone.       
But app building is not limited to simple games. You can also build apps that inform and educate. 
You can create a quiz app to help you and your classmates study for a test. 
With Android’s text-to-speech capabilities, you can even have the phone ask the questions aloud.       
To use App Inventor, you do not need to be a professional developer. 
This is because instead of writing code, you visually design the way the app looks and use blocks to specify the app’s behavior.       


The App Inventor team has created blocks for just about everything you can do with an Android phone, 
as well as blocks for doing “programming-like” stuff– blocks to store information, blocks for repeating actions, 
and blocks to perform actions under certain conditions. There are even blocks to talk to services like Twitter.


– Simple but Powerful!       

App Inventor is simple to use, but also very powerful. Apps you build can even store data created by users in a database,
so you can create a make-a-quiz app in which the teachers can save questions in a quiz for their students to answer.       
                              Because App Inventor provides access to a GPS-location sensor, you can build apps that know where you are. You can build an app to help you remember where you parked your car, an app that shows the location of your friends or colleagues at a concert or conference, 
or your own custom tour app of your school, workplace, or a museum.         
                              You can write apps that use the phone features of an Android phone. You can write an app that periodically texts “missing you” to your loved ones, 
or an app “No Text While Driving” that responds to all texts automatically with “sorry, I’m driving and will contact you later”. 
You can even have the app read the incoming texts aloud to you (though this might lure you into responding).         
                              App Inventor provides a way for you to communicate with the web. If you know how to write web apps, you can use App Inventor to write Android apps that talk to your favorite web sites, such as Amazon and Twitter.         

– Remember the Beta Tag       

As a Google Labs, beta product App Inventor still has rough edges and missing features. In some cases the rough edges include un-pleasantries such as:    

  •          Installing Windows device drivers        
  •          Installing Java on your computer        
  •          Fiddling with settings on your phone        

AppToMarket is fully automated to convert your AI app to Andorid Market Compatible app. 

Some features are:

  • Unzip and run – ZERO installation required
  • One-Click Feature to convert your AI .apk to Android Market Compatible .apkPlease use One-Click Feature after you get comfortable with AppToMarket
  • Save / load multiple configuration files – use File menu to Save or Reload previous versions
  • Can be installed in directory path with spaces
  • Generate Bar code Biz Card to adertise your app – Use Marketing menu
  • Lock your app for portrait or landscape mode
  • Assign Version number / code to your app
  • Assign a natural application name to your app – for one-click feature, just prefill APP NAME entry field
  • Allow storage to phone or SD card
  • Generate keytool
  • View certificate info – Use Tools menu
  • Decompile, update manifest, and repackage new apk file
  • Auto sign your app using your certificate
  • Generate Zip Align file for ultimate performance



– Quick Review –

Illumination Software Creator is the easiest, simplest & fastest way to prototype and build native apps for a wide range of platforms.
Web apps.  Phone apps.  Desktop apps.  Anything you like.
Without writing a single line of “code”.  In fact, no programming knowledge or experience is necessary to start building an app.
The idea is simple: Arrange colorful building blocks of functionality however you like to create your own, unique, piece of software.  No steep learning curve.

One simple project creates apps for:

  • Android [Java / Android SDK]
  • iOS [Objective-C / Cocoa Touch]
  • PyGTK for Desktop or Maemo [Python / GTK]
  • Flash [ActionScript / MXML / Flex]
  • HTML5 [HTML / JavaScript]

If you have a computer running Windows or MacOS or Linux… then you can build your own apps.
All apps use the native programming language and framework for each platform.  Not custom run-time engines or virtual machines.  
iOS apps are written in pure Objective-C.  Android apps in pure Java.  This leads to maximum performance, maximum extensibility and maximum awesomeness.

Illumination includes a powerful, and easy to master, user interface designer.  
Design the look and feel of your app quickly — without needing to learn how to use any complicated tools.


– DOWNLOAD LINKS (Click On OS image To Download Proper File)

Illumination Software Creator – 6.0
Visual, rapid prototyping for Android,
iOS, Flash, PyGTK and HTML5.
Source Code on GitHub
App-Make-inator – 13.06
Visually build HTML5 Web and
Mobile Apps.
Source Code on GitHub
Arduino-Make-inator – 13.07
Visually build logic for your
Arduino board.
Source Code on GitHub

Packages at the Open Build Service
Game-Make-inator – 13.05
Visually build your own Web and Mobile software
without any programming experience.
Registration : GM17-8U3J-LS220


– Quick Review –

The AiLiveComplete! is originated from App Inventor and has been updated to run, standalone, on following platforms:


AILiveComplete! includes everything that you need to run your App Inventor Personal Server AND the Build Server! 
It also contains updates and enhancements to App Inventor. 
You can even download and run AILiveComplete! from a USB Stick!


    Runs standalone on Windows; Contains App Inventor Server and BuildServer
    Can be used, run directly on USB Stick!
    Can be used to build project that are larger than 5MB
    Configured for Linux / Windows / Mac
    Can be installed and run directly from USB Stick!
    ENHANCEMENT: ListPicker includes Sorting and SearchFilter capability
    ENHANCEMENT: Now includes SQLite; A component that allows you to manage a private relational database
    ENHANCEMENT: Custom FontFace can be used for Buttons & TextBoxes


    Clear Java Cache

– SETUP and Installation:
    Download AILiveComplete!, and then unzip it.

    Please make sure that you have installed JDK

    if using Windows, you have set the environment variable JAVA_HOME to point to your JDK folder

    Windows users
        Use Windows Explorer to cd to where you unzipped AILiveComplete!
        double-click on startAIServer.cmd — this will start your AI instance
        double-click on startBuildServer.cmd — this will start your AI build server
        Now start a browser and goto http://localhost:8888
    Linux users
        open a terminal and cd to where you unzipped AILiveComplete!
        make .sh files executable using chmod +x *.sh
        start AI server by typing ./
        open another terminal, cd to where you unzipped AILiveComplete!
        Start AI build server by typing ./
        Now start a browser and goto http://localhost:8888
    Mac users
        follow same instructions as Linux

Run AiLiveComplete And Make Great Apps

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