
How to : Enabling “Auto Logon” to Windows XP and Vista when using a Domain / Active Directory

In standalone computer which does not join any Active Directory (AD) or Windows NT domain as a member, user can configure in such as way that operating system auto login to console or desktop area after booting up. However, if the PC is domain member and configured to logon to domain, automatic logon feature cannot …

How to : Enabling “Auto Logon” to Windows XP and Vista when using a Domain / Active Directory Read More »

Make your Windows XP drive icons look like Windows Vista

One of the many enhancements (or should I just say changes ???) that came with Winidows Vista is the look and feel of the desktop environment this includes the Drive icons for the disks, partitions and removable drives under “My Computer”.  If you are the poor one like or me the consider the fortunate one …

Make your Windows XP drive icons look like Windows Vista Read More »