The simplest way for giving administrative rights/privileges to a program in Windows 7

Peace be upon You,

We all know how frustrating it is when you try to save a file edited with your text editor in some folders, or while accessing files or media in places that require more preveliges than usual. 

In this tip, I’ll show you how to grant administrative rights to a program (installed software or app).
Please follow these easy three steps:
1. Right click on the desired program (from C:Programs, or its shortcut in Desktop). Then choose “Properties” as you see in the picture below :
 2. Next, click on the Compability tab as explained in the picture, then check the case in the buttom of the window : “Run this program as an administrator”. It will then be ran with admin Privilegies.

That’s it !! you did it, you can now run you programs as admin.

Note 1: This tip only works in Windows 7. If you have windows XP, you can use this trick :

 Set the security settings to Full Control on the application. (Right click > Properties > Security tab)

Note 2: This tip makes the progam specified always run with administrative Privilegies, so take care when using it !!.

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