2 Steps To Activate WhatsApp Call in Android – Voice Calling Feature

WhatsApp has begun to introduce a voice call feature since the last two months, and it was offered for few users. Now, the invite window open again lets users getting WhatsApp call invite to activate the voice call feature.

Those who want to get and are hoping for WhatsApp call invite, you need to update your WhatsApp app on your smartphone to the latest version, however, the WhatsApp calling feature is available for Android users only, iOS users will not be able to get the new feature until WhatsApp makes the feature official.


 1 – To get the WhatsApp Calling feature for Android, Android users have to update WhatsApp app to 2.12.7 version from WhatsApp website ( if you’re downloading from Google Play, ensure that your device has version 2.11.561), users should be sure they have enabled installation of apps from unknown sources in their Settings; otherwise this method will not work. Older versions don’t support this feature for all users.

 2 – Now WhatsApp call service still need to be activated by receiving a call from someone who already has WhatsApp call enabled. Once received the call, restart the app and you will see the UI shows 3 tab layout with calls, chats, and contacts.

We have tried making WhatsApp calling to others, call quality is quite good, but sometimes there is delay time, it may depend on the internet speed.

Users must be alerted that the person who calls them is someone they know and trust with this invite. By the way, don’t leave your phone number on any web site, online scammers and hackers may take advantage of this excitement to let users download malicious application.

If you receive the following message from any one of several social networks (Facebook, Google+, Twitter, etc.), DO NOT accept. This is malware and not to be trusted.

“Hey, I’m inviting you to try WhatsApp Free Voice Calling feature, click here to activate now.”

Have you used WhatsApp calling on Android? Does the feature work well? Let us know via the comments. For more tutorials, visit our How To section.

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