C++ & Python Are The Highest-Paying Programming Languages [INFOGRAPHIC]

Startup Compass released the results of a global survey of engineers that provides a wealth of information about startup salaries – including the highest-paying programming languages.

Published as “How Much Should You Pay Your Engineers?,” the results are based on a study of Startup Compass members plus data pulled from oDesk, Elance, Toptal, Glassdoor, AngelList, and Payscale.

The engineers surveyed include not just startup employees, but also freelancers and employees at more traditional IT firms. The highest-paying programming languages were:

1. C++: $110,000
2. Python: ~$102,000
3. C: $100,000
4. AWS: ~$95,000
5. C#: ~$92,000
6. Ruby: $90,000
7. Java: $90,000
8. SQL: $80,000
9. JavaScript: ~$78,000
10. Objective C: ~$76,000
11. PHP: ~$76,000
12. CSS: ~$64,000
13. JavaScript (design): $60,000
14. CSS (design): $60,000

Whether you’re a CEO paying the salaries or an engineer looking to get a fair deal, the infographic below will give you insights on:

  • The highest-paying positions: Find out how much you can expect to make as a VP of engineering/CTO, architect, mobile developer, backend developer, frontend developer, user interface developer, QA engineer, data scientist, database engineer, software architect, network engineer, system administrator, firmware engineer, or mobile developer.
  • Which companies pay the most: Find out how salary differs at startups, traditional IT firms, or as a freelancer; and how startup size and funding affect your salary.
  • How experience affects salary (from 0-20 years)
  • What kind of raises engineers get over time.
  • How much equity to expect as a VP of engineering, CTO, or developer.
  • Which countries have the highest salaries.

What do you think of this infographic? and what is skill do you think is better?

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