
How Is Your Resume Score In Resume Screeners?

Employers and hiring managers are turning more than ever to resume screening software, thanks to the overwhelming number of job applications they get. It pays to know how these systems (called Applicant Tracking Systems or Automated Resume Screeners) work so you can make your resume more relevant to the job you’re applying for.  This infographic …

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Impress Your Next Boss And Get The Job ! 3 Amazing Tips

You have received the interview call and you are pretty pepped up about it. So you have mugged up all the answers to the common questions, the documents have been sorted and neatly placed in a file, you have your resume ready (obviously written by a professional resume writer because you would not have taken …

Impress Your Next Boss And Get The Job ! 3 Amazing Tips Read More »

Avant De Démissionner, Préparez-vous !

Démissionner, c’est quitter l’entreprise dans laquelle vous travaillez. Cela signifie la quitter « proprement », sans stress, sans heurts et sans dégâts. C’est partir léger, sans rien à se reprocher, rien à regretter non plus. C’est également agir de manière à ce que la transition se fasse naturellement et simplement. Sans cicatrices derrière, sans angoisse …

Avant De Démissionner, Préparez-vous ! Read More »

Don’t Call Yourself A Programmer, You are someone else !

From an article by Patrick ( the founder of Kalzumeus Software) If there was one course I could add to every engineering education, it wouldn’t involve compilers or gates or time complexity.  It would be Realities Of Your Industry 101, because we don’t teach them and this results in lots of unnecessary pain and suffering. …

Don’t Call Yourself A Programmer, You are someone else ! Read More »

Cover Letter : How to Write A Perfect One !

A cover letter is your first—and perhaps only—chance to impress a potential client or employer. Don’t let that intimidate you, though. A cover letter is, in fact, your opportunity to shine. It gives an employer a brief glimpse of the potential success you bring with you. Your experience, your personality and your enthusiasm all play …

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~by Amy Morin, LCSW (Amy Morin is a licensed clinical social worker and psychotherapist. Since 2002, she has been counseling children, teens, and adults.) Mentally strong people have healthy habits. They manage their emotions, thoughts, and behaviors in ways that set them up for success in life. Check out these things that mentally strong people …


The modern tech job interview : 4 “do”s and “don’t”s !

With the economy still puttering along, and the tech job market more competitive than ever, it’s vital to know what does and doesn’t matter in the modern-day interview. Because let’s face it, your resume may get you the date, but it’s the interview that decides whether or not you’re getting past the door for a nightcap. Time …

The modern tech job interview : 4 “do”s and “don’t”s ! Read More »

Sourire quand on est au chômage ? C’est possible !

Difficile d’être au chômage et de garder le cap, de ne pas céder aux idées noires et à la dévalorisation. Difficile de passer ses journées à décortiquer, plein d’espoir, des offres d’emploi et de ne pas avoir le moral qui flanche, par instants. Difficile, oui, d’être au chômage. Mais voici quelques moyens reconnus pour conserver la …

Sourire quand on est au chômage ? C’est possible ! Read More »

Les réseaux sociaux remplacent-ils les outils de recrutement classiques ?

Une enquête sur un échantillon de 467 personnes montre que les réseaux sociaux prennent une importance capitale par rapport aux autres canaux de recrutement. Ces outils ont montré leur efficacité, malgré quelques imperfections. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Viadeo…, les réseaux sociaux  deviennent de plus en plus célèbres et ne manquent pas de fasciner la communauté des internautes. Qu’ils …

Les réseaux sociaux remplacent-ils les outils de recrutement classiques ? Read More »