Easiest Way to APPLY Registry changes without restarting windows

Windows has a flaw that you have to restart very frequently, however not all system changes actually require a restart, here’s how to apply registry changes without one.

Registry changes do not require a restart, it is sufficient to simply restart the process explorer.exe.

Step 1: Open the task manager and go to the tab processes, right-click on explorer.exe and click End Process

Step 2: Next, you should click on File and then New Task (Run…)

Step 3: Now enter explorer.exe and you’re good to go

Step 4: The explorer.exe has now been restarted and most registry changes are now applied and do not require a full restart of Windows.

Here is a video explaining step by step how to do this :

Knowing this little trick will save you a lot of time, because you no longer have to do a full restart to apply the registry changes.

Source :windows7themes.net

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