
Easily Change Google Drive Folder (method 1)- IT Tips and Tutorials

When you download Google Drive to your PC a default folder will be created in C:Users[your name]Google Drive. If you want to change the name or location of this folder you can do so by following the steps below.  This tip is useful if you need the Google Drive folder to have a standard url …

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Make your Windows XP drive icons look like Windows Vista

One of the many enhancements (or should I just say changes ???) that came with Winidows Vista is the look and feel of the desktop environment this includes the Drive icons for the disks, partitions and removable drives under “My Computer”.  If you are the poor one like or me the consider the fortunate one …

Make your Windows XP drive icons look like Windows Vista Read More »

How To Put Automatic Drive Icons On Your Desktop

One really cool feature in Linux distros as well as Mac is that they automatically display any plugged-in removable media on the desktop. This is a rather handy feature as it saves you the trouble of opening up (My)Computer . Desktop Media is a freeware which brings this feature to Windows. It works with all …

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Google Drive : un futur leader du stockage en ligne est né

Depuis peu, l’univers du stockage en ligne compte un nouveau venu et non des moindres ! En effet, Google Drive s’annonce déjà comme un concurrent de taille sur le marché du stockage en ligne, se positionnant même comme un futur leader potentiel, avec des offres nettement plus généreuses et accessibles que ses concurrents. Google Drive a ouvert son service de stockage …

Google Drive : un futur leader du stockage en ligne est né Read More »